It's not happening here but it is happening now
This is a cleaver ad campaign by Amnesty International. I particularly like the immediacy of it. And the realism. Here's one that really hits home:

Your Blog for Sharing Green Ideas.
This is a cleaver ad campaign by Amnesty International. I particularly like the immediacy of it. And the realism. Here's one that really hits home:
I received a political brochure from a gentleman, presumably a democrat, whose running for some office in my district. Let me just say that it's a poor piece of political campaigning. I won't reveal the guy's name, but please take note of the design flaws I discuss below in case you're working on developing campaign literature for someone.
Impeach the Mother Fucker Already!
Here's two parts of an interview with Michael Berg.
While I don't have time right now to add these sites in my links, here's a few (just a sampling, really) websites of candidates:
I just received an email from one of the new Maryland Green Party co-chairs, Patsy Allen. She formally was the convener for the Electoral Committee, and has provided me with a preliminary list of all the Maryland Green Party candidates.
Federal Offices
Steve Warner – Congress, District 5
Ed Boyd Governor
James Madigan Lt. GovernorBob Auerbach – Comptroller
Chris Bush – legislative dist. 10
David Kiasi – legislative dist. 25
Brandy Baker – legislative dist. 43
Joseph Sanchez – legislative dist. 36
Dave Goldsmith – legislative dist. 11
Local Offices
Brian Bittner Harford County Council
Jeff Lambert Baltimore County Council
Nick DelPizzo,
It occurred to me yesterday that all we've seen (at least, all I've seen) in local media about the pending BGE rate hikes have to do with the price impact on consumers. Yet, won't businesses be affected by the rate hikes too? And most businesses use more energy than any single household. Why aren't we hearing them complain about rising energy costs? What does it take to light a Wal-Mart anyway?
I like the title that NPR currently has on it homepage for this article more than the title given when you click on it (Bush Huddles with Aides on Iraq Strategy).
I'm doing something some Greens might frown upon: I've added Google Ads to this blog.
I've been a soccer fan ever since I lived in Brazil over 10 years ago. And now that it's World Cup again, I'm trying to watch as much as I can (which isn't a lot since I don't have cable).
Yet again, I've refreshed the Green Imagination look. Yes, it's still a canned template from blogger. I was just tired of seeing so many GREEN BLOGS with the same template!
With the Bush administration flailing for support for its policies, it's little surprise that congressional Republicans are trying to regain some of the power they've given up since 9-11. That said, its ironic that they feel they're on such shakey ground.
I'm usually not much of a conspiracy theorist, but this seems too obvious. There's some fishy business going on with the latest news of Zarqawi's death.
I was about to post a little something about a Zarqawi-related conspiracy theory. Then I saw all the comments on the previous posts. "That's odd," I said to myself, knowing that I don't get a lot of traffic on this site.