Green Imagination

Your Blog for Sharing Green Ideas.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Recent Pictures from the Fort Bragg Anti-War Demonstration

Here's some great pictures from a recent anti-war demonstration at Fort Bragg. Notice the presence of Iraq Veterans Against the War.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Some Local News

Finally...a day off from my day job and I can post some updates.

First, this whole Terri Schiavo thing is a load of crap. That's why I was particularly surprised by my own wife's response that the pro-lifers actually have a case in this instance. Her argument is that because there's no living-will, and because Schiavo's not already dying, she should be allowed to live (or prevented from dying...whichever turn of phrase you prefer). What surprised me was that my wife is usually very strong in individual choice. But, she says, Terri Schaivo hadn't made that choice. She also thinks the husband stands to gain financially from her death.

At any rate, it's not a real news story. Thousands of inmates on death row aren't choosing to die, but that's their sentence. Few are up-in-arms about that.

On a more local note, the Baltimore City Council Green Party candidate in the 13th district had his day in court. This case of favoritism and unfair application of law was heard in Maryland's highest court. From what I hear, Carroll Holzer did a great job and was positive about the expected outcome. Glenn still needs money to cover legal fees, so if you'd like to chip in for a worthy electoral rights issue, contact Joan Floyd.

Speaking of raising money, the Maryland Green Party just threw a Party for the Party. It was a lot of fun...great music, a few beers, a silent auction. It really gave us a chance to recognize the hard work a lot of folks did during last year's election cycle...particularly the candidates and their staff. We even raised almost $1000! This money will be going to the Maryland Green Party's annual State Assembly (when we get together a large number of Greens and have a day of learning, workshopping, and voting on party officials).

I've been working hard on getting some great speakers for the MGP State Assembly, June 4th at University of Baltimore. Rumors abound, but we might even get Nader to headline an anti-war panel. Colman McCarthy, founder of the Center for Teaching Peace, will be our keynote speaker.

We can always use your help, both financially and in terms of volunteers. Only about 1% of registered Greens in Maryland are actively working to build the party. It's a lot of work for a small group of people, after all--we're grassroots! No support from corporations, PACs, unions...just people like you and me. If you'd like to contribute to the Maryland Green Party, send a check or money order to:

Maryland Green Party
P.O. Box 2230
Annapolis, MD 21404

Also, if you'd like to volunteer, email me.