One more note on McCarthy
Myles Hoenig of Baltimore City asked McCarthy if he was registered Green. After all, he had praised the Green Party several times in his speech.
Surprisingly, McCarthy said he wasn't registered to vote. He said he would not want to vote for anyone sworn to uphold the Constitution as long as it contained the section about the government raising and maintaining a militia. Now that is an impressive stance.
After his speech, outgoing Maryland Green Party Membership Coordinator Mike Shea talked to him. By the end of the conversation, McCarthy said he'd register Green. (If you don't know Mike Shea, the guy's a wizard at getting people to register.)
Of course, for someone like McCarthy (and possibly a number of you out there as well), the obvious response is that even if you don't vote, you should register Green to show your support of Green ideals. I'd even go one step further by saying that you SHOULD vote if only to elect people that will change the Constitution to reflect your beliefs. After all, isn't that what the Christian Right are doing?