Be still my beating heart...
It's a day of reckoning for that slimeball Tom Delay: He's been indicted for criminal conspiracy according to the NY Times. Read 'em and weep. Delay's going down.
Your Blog for Sharing Green Ideas.
It's a day of reckoning for that slimeball Tom Delay: He's been indicted for criminal conspiracy according to the NY Times. Read 'em and weep. Delay's going down.
Cindy Sheehan was arrested today for protesting without a permit. Good for her, but too bad only 370 people were arrested. It'd be great if about 1,000 could take the plunge and get arrested. No, 10,000. Let's inundate the system, shut it down, and really get a message across. If only I didn't have to work!
Lynndie England, one of the soldiers caught torturing detainees at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, was convicted for her crimes. Unfortunately, this is probably as high up as the abuse investigation will go. That's not high--England was a private.
So, the guy described in this article leaves his house at 2:20 a.m. and works until 5:30 p.m. And he likes it.
It's not necessarily a bad sign. Belying the perception of multiple jobholding as a token of hard times, history shows that moonlighting ebbs and flows with the larger business cycle. An expanding economy means not just that more people can work; it means more people can work multiple jobs, if they want.
How can a person not weigh in on Katrina's aftermath?? I just read a Salon article (link for those of you who have access), and Joan Walsh is right when she says that
The crisis unfolding before us -- dispossession, looting, people shooting at rescue workers, the president's dim response, and now, people dying in front of our eyes outside the Superdome -– rubs our noses in so much that's wrong in our country, it's excruciating to watch.