Upcoming Maryland Green Party Events
Lots of great stuff going on in the last 30 days of the election! I'm sooo excited. I heard on the radio today very positive feedback that Bill Barry has a shot at Baltimore City Council! Yay Bill!
Here's the skinny on a big fundraiser coming up in a week!
The Baltimore Green Party is hosting a fundraising party aboard the historic Navy frigate USS Constellation in Baltimore's Inner Harbor from 6:30-9:00 PM on Thursday, October 14. The "Carnaval" is to support the Party's 15 candidates--eight Baltimore City Council candidates, six candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives, and one for the Senate.
Dragon Caravan, a local Tribal Fusion dance troupe, Johnny Fox the Amazing Sword Swallower, and the musical duo of Kristin Putchinski and Drew Vervan will provide the entertainment.
Ticket prices are affordable: $20 buys a "Green Curious" ticket, and $35 buys a "Green Solidarity" ticket for those who choose to give more. Non-alcoholic drinks and delicious food are included in the ticket price, and a cash bar will be available for beer and wine. The USS Constellation holds 250 people, so advanced ticket purchases are highly recommended.To purchase a ticket, contact Ann Forno at 410-419-0411 or annforno@jhu.edu or send a check payable to the "Baltimore Green Party" to Baltimore Green Party / 1443 Gorsuch Ave. / Baltimore, MD, 21218. If you want your donation to support the Party's federal candidates, make your check payable to the "Maryland Green Party" and write "Joint Congressional Campaign" in the memo field.
As this is a fundraiser for a political party, all ticket purchases are political donations. As always, Greens accept donations only from individuals, not corporations, businesses or PACs. If you send $200 or more, please include your place of employment for FEC filing purposes.
Also, this Saturday (October 10), a bunch of Greens are going to be helping Keith Salkowski clean up Loch Raven Reservoir as part of an annual cleanup. It should be a good crowd. Of course, if you can't go, send Keith a donation!
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